Specializing in high-rise, low-rise, and commercial properties.
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Rachel Neves elevates our unsurpassed service

The Valcourt Group | Oct 15, 2019

“I really enjoy meeting with property managers to resolve issues in real-time, and identify ways to continually enhance their properties — it’s white glove service that distinguishes Valcourt.”

Rachel Neves 
Account Manager

I love that the words “listen” and “silent” use the same letters. Because clearly understanding clients’ needs is paramount in my role for Valcourt. I live by the mantra “Do unto others … “, and always empathize with other people’s point of views so I can have the best service mindset. This is vital in my role with helping clients…. and just being a better human being overall.

While I have only been at Valcourt about five months, I have thrived in customer management for more than 12 years. From my experience, Valcourt’s company-wide commitment to service is not typical in this industry. Valcourt is committed to having leaders in the field, meeting with clients and ensuring services are smooth. We understand that many of our clients are faced with the challenge and responsibility of managing properties from afar and, with limited time and resources, it’s tough to gauge current location conditions that their tenants are seeing every day. Through conducting pro-active visual evaluations of our clients’ property portfolios, and by providing Property Observation Reports (POR’s), we are providing an extra resource to assist them in overcoming these challenges.

This active approach to maintenance helps property managers hold on to their building’s “curb appeal”, their welcome statement! The building’s first impression immediately sets the tone for visitors to the space. The integration of all of the property’s attributes — clean windows, polished metal and freshly pressure washed surfaces — ensures the building’s true value.

As you can tell, I am very passionate about my professional career. And thankfully, my work-life balance helps me keep my family in its prime spot. I love exploring new places and things, hosting friends for dinner, and most importantly, “momming” to two beautiful children, and an Alaskan Malamute/German Shepherd mix. I also enjoy getting my hands dirty with a household DIY project and indulging in a little reality television every now and then. You may have even spotted me in the background of a reality show myself, back in my high school days!

My name is Rachel Neves, and I am truly committed to customers and my team to ensure that our service earns your trust and continued preference of Valcourt.