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Signs It’s Time for Commercial Concrete Restoration & Repair

The Valcourt Group | Aug 26, 2021

A building is a valuable asset, which is why many proprietors consider the need for commercial concrete restoration. Many signs emerge when it becomes time to implement planned building services. The naked eye can see some but not all damage. Visible cracks in a concrete structure or wall of a commercial building could pose substantial hazards to the occupants inside the structure and in the surrounding area. Looking for signs of damage is easy and will reduce the need for untimely, costly concrete restoration and repair

1. Obvious, Visible Cracks in Concrete

With high-rise commercial building maintenance, part of the job means keeping a watchful eye on the exterior. Damage to concrete may not appear to be a danger, but the integrity of the building might be at stake. Look for cracking and splits in the concrete. Addressing these issues proactively will help prevent the need for a more expensive intervention by concrete restoration companies

2. Signs of Aging Like Moisture Buildup or Pooling

Another indication of damage that needs to be addressed is signs of aging. Aging looks like water penetrating the structure and pooling or leaking. With concrete buildings, excellent waterproofing can mean the difference between structure longevity or needing a repair via concrete restoration and repair in the short term. In addition to the presence of water, other signs of aging include potholes, unevenness in the building, or simply just a lackluster appearance. 

3. Flooring Begins to Sink or Dip and Other Signs of Foundational Issues

For a lot of building owners, flooring appeal and consistent quality are essential features. If the foundation crumbles, the entire building will deteriorate. When the flooring begins to dip or sink, this might signify the foundation is compromised. This might not appear strictly in flooring; signs might also be present on walls as they dip when the floor shifts. When this happens, contacting concrete restoration companies will help to fix these issues. 

4. Uneven Appearances of Concrete

The uneven appearance of the concrete can indicate the need for repairs. According to Facility Executive, ongoing building maintenance will help minimize structural damage. Each team needs a team dedicated to performing routine checks and maintenance. The more eyes on the building, the earlier a business can identify and repair the damage. 

5. Struggling With Sticky Windows or Doors

As well as signs of a damaged foundation and uneven appearances, doors or windows that stick also mean it could be time to consider contacting a contractor for commercial concrete restoration and repair

6. Visible Damage to The Walls of the Interior and Exterior

In addition to the structural damages and other issues with doors and windows, all visible damage can indicate it is time for concrete restoration or repair. Damages to the walls or floors on the interior can permeate to the outside. Seeking exterior maintenance solutions will also prevent the damages from spreading to the interior. Essentially, any damage to the waterproofing, insulation, windows, doors, walls, or roof that can be seen needs to be addressed as soon as possible. 

Get the Best Out of Commercial Concrete Restoration & Repair by Choosing the Right Partner 

For building owners, protecting their most valuable asset means restoring and repairing the exterior or interior concrete as needed. Request a consultation with Valcourt Building Services to improve the strength and integrity of your new and existing concrete assets today.