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What Are Commercial Handrail Installation Services and Why an Expert Is Key

kgarska | Jan 13, 2022

Commercial buildings are required to have handrails installed on the premises. Per OSHA guidelines, railings must address fall hazards, especially on rooftops. From a consumer’s point of view, this may seem like a trivial issue. However, commercial handrails are a vital part of any public establishment to ensure that the customers are safe within the confines of the building. Depending on the area of the structure, OSHA also dictates the materials used and dimensions of commercial handrail installation. On top of installing commercial handrails, it’s important to periodically get them inspected by a professional and subsequently get them repaired or replaced if necessary. For example, commercial handrail installation might not seem as important as laying the foundation of a building. However, ensuring the safety and security of the public who utilize the facilities in the building Is very important.

What Are Commercial Handrails and Where Are They Required?

Commercial handrails are railings that support people as they navigate through an establishment. Commercial buildings are required to install as per OSHA regulations. Handrails are required along staircases, along with mid-rails, which should be placed halfway between the handrail and the surface for reinforcement. Mid-rails can also provide support for small children who need  it. Commercial handrail installation is also required on rooftops and must be between 39 to 45 inches above the surface. Railings must be made of durable material with a smooth texture to avoid injuries. The diameter of the handrail should be at least one-quarter-inch thick. It is best to rely on experts to provide commercial handrail installation services. They will handle everything from installing the handrails to routine inspections and repairs or replacements, depending on the status of the railings.

Working With an Expert in Handrails Lowers Your Building’s Risk to Occupants

Having a handrails expert handle commercial handrail installation is an industry best practice. An expert practitioner will know how to install the railings according to regulations and ensure that there is ample longevity for all the handrails in the building so that it can withhold various amounts of pressure from the people utilizing it. It’s also important for the expert to make sure of the longevity of the railing so that the metals do not corrode or rust, consequently compromising the railing’s integrity. When using a licensed expert for commercial handrail installations, there is a higher guarantee of the building’s railings being sturdy, providing peace of mind to the building contractor.

Tips for Choosing a Handrail Installation Service Provider

Finding Experts in commercial handrail installations is a lot more accessible than one might think. However, the key is partnering with the right expert who will  adhere to the building requirements. Here are some tips that can help find the appropriate contractors for anything required to ensure the safety and security of their building. 

  • Hire an in-house professional – The expert will figure the proper procedure for the specific building and its handrails. Having them be in-house professionals will give instant access to their services. 


  • Conduct interviews – When considering a contractor for any job, especially commercial handrail installations, it is important that their skill set closely matches the job’s requirements. Interview the contractor to ensure that they are the right fit for the project.


  • Use detailed project descriptions – Write out a clear and detailed description that service providers can use to prepare for the job properly. 


Those are just a few tips to get the best specialist for the job. 

Streamline Commercial Handrail Installation With Valcourt Building Services

Commercial handrail installation is imperative to the safety and security of any piece of commercial real estate. The best-laid plans for the building will be at risk without care and attention to your handrails. Ensure you choose the right service provider to maximize safety during and after installation. Valcourt building services can streamline the process of installing handrails seamlessly. Click here to get started.